I'm sorry I've not been posting as much on here. My Instagram as well. I broke my streak :/ but I knew it would've happened eventually. I'm going to try to keep posting at least one a week, but I'm getting used to my new job still so I'm sorry if I don't keep my pages up at the same rate that you guys are used to.

My likes are down so I guess I just have like 2500 ghost followers and a hundred or so who actually like/comment. So to the active followers thank you.

My birthday is the 22nd! I'm turning 20! Sooo weird. Anyways, yes I'm going to ask for presents on my birthday from anyone who wants to cuz I'm selfish like that. If you don't want to, don't complain, unfollow if it's really that big of a deal, but just don't send anything sounds like an easier option. I'll be honest. I doubt anyone who follows my page will send anything. I call it wishful thinking. It's one of my downfalls. Anyways if any of you actually want to comment today, how are you guys? And does anyone still read?



I don't know.


My blog/webpage has more unique views than I have followers.. Which I find interesting.

Also, I wonder what some of these foot models' feet look like WITHOUT photoshop. And filters. I'm truly curious, with a few of these women. Like, their feet look fine, but it makes me sincerely wonder how bad they must look if they need photoshop to blur their feet up. Like I know my feet aren't perfect. I never claimed perfection, I play volleyball, and my shoes rub skin off of my feet. Sooo.... Like I just want to see a few clear pics. And that should sate my curiosity.


Not by choice. I don't know if it will happen or not. If it does don't worry, I will be back. I just don't know when. Unfortunately because I love with my parents even though I'm an adult woman they think they rule my life still. Sooo.... They threatened to take my iPad, phone, and computer away. If they do this I will throw up an uproar like they've never seen before. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, because even though I hate being controlled I do like free food, rent, and internet. :/ anyways... I don't know. I don't know what's gonna happen. Sooooo. Yeah.


Hahahaha I blocked this guy like two months ago. Yesterday I checked his page to make sure feetbyjennifer's pics weren't on there, and today I clicked his username on accident because he commented on a person I follow's page, and I'm blocked. Bahahahahaa what changed? That he has to block me today? if you are wondering why I blocked him, He's a total tool and he's posted girls under 18. He's also EXTREMELY pushy and rude.


Would anyone be interested in purchasing them? They are worn, they don't have a smell though. There'll be pics on this post. They are like 2 years old minimum. If you have questions or are interested use the contact me portion of my website


So I don't even think anyone reads my blog anymore. Which is likely my own fault cuz I don't change it much... But anyways I think I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm on tumblr! I've been on there the whole time I just never posted. Now I have my ig pics post to tumblr. So if you are interested and you use tumblr go give it a follow. Cuz if my ig goes down, I'll go to my back up but if I don't immediately go id post updates on my tumblr and here. Plus some folks just enjoy tumblr more. So whatever works. I have tumblr. And ig. And my weebly webpage.


Or put your age in your bio.


thanks and have a nice day.


Lifeguard certification class woooo. Last day is today. I hope I pass I hope I pass I hope I pass. Anyways. When I ask someone not to post my location and they do it anyways, that really pisses me off. Or if they call me 'snoody' cuz they don't give a crap that I don't want a new stalker for a reason... Like seriously, if you recognize my location then just don't say anything. PLEASE. like c'mon do you really need to say it? One guy said 'I know where that is' I like that guy better than the one who announced my exact location. Understand this: I've been stalked before. I don't want my location known, because I'm not interested in getting a new stalker. Or someone worse. I have no intention of doing meet ups. So seriously, my location can stay as private as possible. I wouldn't scribble out the name of the place if I wanted you to announce it in the comments. And then to go, after I told you to not share my location, and then announce it on another picture is seriously freaking rude. I don't care if you live near me! Don't say the name of the place! I'd rather see 'oh I live near that area' than 'oh hey is that (name)?? I live over there too!'

Because to the guy who blatantly disregarded my request FU©K YOU.

I'm not snooty. I'm protecting myself from douchebags and stalkers.


I have opinions too.



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Sorry if you can't see emojis.

Ok. So I feel fully justified in my argument. And it's not like I'm posting nudes or slutty pics. I'm fully clothed in all of my pics. So some respect would be nice. I don't need comments. If I could turn off comments on there I just might. I'm not doing this for sexual attention. I'm giving access to pics. So stop being a dick when I make a joke. There are plenty of respectful or silent foot fetishists out there! So yes! I can have standards for comments on my page! If you don't like it then leave! Really. It's not that hard! I can even block you. So get over yourself. If you can't have a little bit of self control to not type a nasty comment with your sticky fingers then I really don't want to give you access to my free pics. So gtfo.

My meme is causing drama. Sorry. I just think desperation is unattractive.