Jyes. Toejammer. 94.


A FREAKING LADYBUG LANDED ON MY LEG YESTERDAY WHICH IS IRONIC BECAUSE I HAVE LADYBUG TOES (other bugs also landed on me too -_-) (and I almost smashed the ladybug until I realized what it was)


My friend saw me and didn't say hi cuz he's lazy.

But oh well. I was watching my man play basketball anyways.

He was talking to his friend in the car and he said 'I have a girlfriend' cuz T called him gay. And I just got like epic butterflies cuz it made me happy. Like I know we are dating and all but to hear him say it makes me happy still.

I don't know. I'm just happy. :)






Also I'm running out of bugs to paint on my toes. Maybe a butterfly next? I don't know.

I've done bees and ladybugs so far

I refuse to do a spider, that's not technically a bug and since whatever I paint on my toes seems to fly and land on me it's not gonna happen.

Cuz a bee did land on me while I had my bee toes.

It was terrifying.

I've never been stung and a really severe bee allergy runs in both sides of my family so I hope I don't find out whether or not I'm allergic.

Ps. I really want a set of drawers to organize my nail polishes.

P.ps hi

P.p.ps. Wazzzup.

P.p.p.ps. Ok I'm done now

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